
In ancient Athens, the agora was where citizens gathered to hear news, discuss and, later, trade. The agora was the heart of the city’s political, cultural and spiritual life. It is this spirit we hope to channel in this section of the website. Here, the Agora is a public forum for discussing events unfolding in Greece and beyond.

In May 2020, we also launched a podcast called The Agora, delivering insight from our own experts and analysis from special guests. If you enjoy intelligent, lively discussion and want the bigger picture, join us for a stroll through the Agora. Our show is hosted on Acast, but you can also listen to us here:


Posts in Politics

Results 6 to 10 out of 387.

Photo via Is Greece on track to decouple from fossil gas?

As Europe was recovering from a major energy crisis that severely tested member states’ national economies, Greece, along with other European countries, experienced unprecedented natural disasters in the summer of 2023, directly linked to the intensifying climate crisis. The common denominator of both crises is fossil fuel dependence.

Contributor: Nikos Mantzaris

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Categories: Politics (387), Economy (331), Society (142), Greece (498)

Results 6 to 10 out of 387.