Greek Politics

Results 2341 to 2348 out of 2348.

If Golden Dawn MPs quit Parliament, would Greece go to elections? It's complicated

The government’s clampdown on Golden Dawn after the murder of rapper Pavlos Fyssas by one of its supporters has prompted speculation that the neofascist party might try to get even with the mainstream parties. It has been suggested that this could lead the party’s 18 MPs to resign en masse, creating confusion in Parliament and possibly trigger national elections.

Puzzling reaction to army reservists' call for government to resign

An unusual announcement by a little known army reservists’ group calling for the government to resign prompted an emergency late night meeting of top ministry and judicial officials on Wednesday. There was surprise that the government gave such attention to the statement, which amounted to a demand for the democratic process to be halted

Kammenos calls for lynching of mayor but ends up boxing himself into a corner

Panos Kammenos and his anti-bailout Independent Greeks have been showing remarkable resilience in opinion polls despite their limited scope and internal problems that led to some key members leaving the party. Kammenos, though, is putting this durability to the test after being caught on camera advising residents of a village in Halkidiki to “lynch” their mayor.

Loverdos cosies up to DIMAR but future of Greek centre left remains in doubt

One of the key factors that will determine developments in Greek politics over the months and years to come is what is going to happen in the centre-left part of the spectrum. There have been backchannel discussion on the subject between PASOK, Democratic Left (DIMAR) and various new groups and movements but so far the issue remains unresolved.

More concern for coalition than cheer for SYRIZA in latest poll figures

Since the June 2012 national elections in Greece, New Democracy and SYRIZA have interchanged as the country’s most popular party. The latest Public Issue opinion poll, published on September 11, provides the latest twist in this intertwining tale. This time, it gives SYRIZA a 1 percentage point lead over the conservatives: 29 percent against 28.

Results 2341 to 2348 out of 2348.