Greek Politics

Results 1041 to 1050 out of 2340.

Photo by Panayotis Tzamaros/Fosphotos Identity crisis in KINAL resurfaces as SYRIZA touts common ground

By: Georgia Nakou

Greece’s third party, KINAL (Movement for Change), is about to launch a nationwide consultation exercise in preparation for a national party conference in March, with topics ranging from the party’s progressive identity and the role of socialism, to Europe, the welfare state and the “green new deal”.

New minister sets out plan for addressing migration challenges

The Greek government is hoping that the creation of new, closed reception centres for migrants on the islands, along with faster repatriations and return to Turkey as well as greater deterrents will alleviate the pressure that New Democracy has been under over the last few months as it tries to get to grips with the influx of asylum seekers.

Photo via PM hopes solo run can lead to settlement of football dispute

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has taken it upon himself to try to resolve the storm created by a dispute involving the country’s top football teams and their owners, which is threatening unpredictable political consequences.

Results 1041 to 1050 out of 2340.