
Results 2721 to 2730 out of 2772.

Photo courtesy of http://gr2014.eu/ Greece takes on EU presidency and some significant challenges with it

A series of events in Athens on Wednesday marked Greece officially taking its turn at the helm of the European Union, a task that is certain to prove a challenge alongside the government’s other domestic and international challenges, which include trying to steer the Greek economy towards recovery and continuing negotiations with the troika.

Photo by Harry van Versendaal DIMAR faces struggle to survive in 2014, a year of elections

The New Year has at least two elections in store (local and European) for Greece, while the possibility of a third ballot (national) cannot be ruled out. In these circumstances, the role of Greece’s smaller parties – the ones that could act as future coalition partners – is crucial.

Most popular politics articles of 2013

Here are our three most popular articles from the politics section in 2013. For those who have already read them, a big thank you from the Macropolis team. For those reading them for the first time, we hope it gives you an idea of what we do.

Photo by Harry van Versendaal Coalition wins crucial votes but at a price as SYRIZA leads polls

Greece’s fragile coalition survived two tense votes in Parliament on Saturday to close out a particularly challenging year but did so in the knowledge that the respite it can enjouy will be brief. A year that is likely to be even tougher lies ahead.

Photo by Myrto Papadopoulos [www.myrtopapadopoulos.com] PASOK and DIMAR head for do-or-die moment

With just over five months to go until European Parliament and local elections are held in Greece, the country’s centre left is in a state of confusion and the future of its main players, PASOK and Democratic Left (DIMAR), is unclear.

SYRIZA's left wing sticks to belief Greece should leave euro

The challenge SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras faces in balancing his effort to prepare his party for power while taming or satisfying its more radical elements has been emphasised again after the group’s left wing rekindled the debate about Greece leaving the euro.

Budget passed but troika accord still some way off for Greece

Greece’s coalition completed one of its key tasks for December by obtaining Parliament’s approval for the 2014 budget early on Sunday but was also given an acute reminder of the challenges that still remain as the European Commission confirmed there was no chance of the troika’s Greek program review concluding this month.

Results 2721 to 2730 out of 2772.