
Results 2741 to 2750 out of 2773.

SYRIZA to test coalition with censure motion but victory unlikely

Despite the contentious austerity policies the Greek government has implement since being elected in June 2012, its decision to shut down public broadcaster ERT has caused political waves like no other measure. This was underlined on Thursday, when SYRIZA submitted a censure motion to Parliament after riot police forced out the last ERT employees from the broadcaster's headquarters.

Final act in ERT closure carries significant risk for coalition

Riot police raided the headquarters of former public broadcaster ERT in Athens and Thessaloniki before dawn on Thursday, almost five months after the government shut down the TV and radio service. It is the latest chapter in a story fraught with dangers for the coalition.

Photo by Myrto Papadopoulos [www.myrtopapadopoulos.com] In clearest statement yet, Tsipras says he'd keep euro

SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras has attempted to clear up any doubts – at least outside of the country – about whether he favours Greece remaining in the euro. Speaking at the University of Texas on Monday, he made it clear that he believes it would be more damaging for Greece to leave the single currency than to remain in the euro.

Photo by Myrto Papadopoulos [www.myrtopapadopoulos.com] Golden Dawn murders generate new test for Greek democracy

Greek democracy has been under pressure since the country’s economy and political system began to unravel in 2010 but the strain will only increase after the murder of two Golden Dawn members outside the party’s offices in northern Athens on Friday night.

Photo by Myrto Papadopoulos [www.myrtopapadopoulos.com] SYRIZA MP asks: Just how will we find the money?

Critics have levelled the accusation at SYRIZA many times but the party’s veteran MP, Manolis Glezos, has broken new ground by being the first leftist lawmaker to express doubts about just where SYRIZA is going to find the money to fulfil its policy pledges.

Kammenos ups rhetoric but Independent Greeks' future unclear

The leader of anti-bailout Independent Greeks, Panos Kammenos, has never been reluctant to express his opinion but when this view fails to meet with the approval of his own spokesman, it is clear that nothing about the party's future can be taken for granted.

Photo by Harry van Versendaal Fear and loathing in Athens: an ex-minister's take on troika reviews

The troika is due to resume its latest review of the Greek adjustment programme next week but ahead of the inspectors’ return, a former minister has cast serious doubt on Greece’s negotiating strategy and the motives that drive some of the lenders’ demands.

How big is Greek fiscal gap? Will cuts be needed? Here's our Q&A

Discussions at the European Union leaders' summit in Brussels, which concluded on Friday afternoon, did little to clear up the uncertainty about where Greece and the troika stand with regard to Athens having to find more budget savings next year.

en_GB Photo by Myrto Papadopoulos [www.myrtopapadopoulos.com] Coalition agrees policy framework: Purpose unclear, impact doubtful

Sixteen months after one-time rivals Antonis Samaras and Evangelos Venizelos put aside their differences to form a coalition government, the two have agreed on a policy framework for their administration. However, as the accord comes more than a year after last summer’s fractious elections, questions will be asked about its relevance at this stage of developments in Greece.

Results 2741 to 2750 out of 2773.