
Results 2671 to 2680 out of 2794.

Photo by MacroPolis In bid to polish SYRIZA's image, Tsipras visits Mount Athos monks

There were a few raised eyebrows when SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras spent two days at the semi-autonomous monastic community on Mount Athos in northern Greece last week but his visit should be seen within the context of the leftist party trying to broaden its appeal and mend its damaged relationship with the Orthodox church.

End of troika in Greece would create new challenges for coalition

While reports that the troika may be disbanded in favour of a more European Union Task Force-style body that will monitor Greek reforms in the years to come is likely to be received well by the coalition, such a development would not be without its own challenges.

Photo by MacroPolis SYRIZA drawing up manifesto and foraging for allies

SYRIZA will attempt to answer its critics in the next few weeks by drawing up a manifesto that aims to respond to the persistent doubts about whether the opposition party has the answers to Greece’s problems.

Photo by Harry van Versendaal Return of coastal bill may give SYRIZA new chance to build support

After failing in its bid to force Parliament to vote on whether to hold a referendum on the part-privatisation of the Public Power Corporation (PPC) earlier this month, SYRIZA now intends to confront the coalition over legislation aiming to make it easier to develop Greece’s coastline.

Results 2671 to 2680 out of 2794.