Greek Politics

Results 1671 to 1680 out of 2340.

Photo by Panayotis Tzamaros/Fosphotos Lack of clarity across the board highlights review impasse

There appeared little chance of any progress in the talks between Greece and its lenders on Thursday as it emerged that Alternate Finance Minister Giorgos Houliarakis would not be attending the Eurogroup Working Group (EWG).

Photo by Panayotis Tzamaros/Fosphotos Athens waits for move from lenders to get review going

While some reports in Athens claim that Eurogroup president Jeroen Dijsselbloem is making behind-the-scenes efforts to bring Greece’s lenders closer together and organise a meeting with the Greek government to break the deadlock in the review, there was no word from the coalition on Wednesday.

Athens gears up for deal with lenders, pending news from IMF

All eyes in Athens are on Monday’s meeting of the International Monetary Fund’s executive board, although there are few expectations that it will result in a clear-cut decision regarding the IMF’s future role in the Greek programme.

Photo by Panayotis Tzamaros/Fosphotos Tsipras tweaks message as chance of review compromise emerges

As speculation mounts that the Greek government is preparing for a compromise with the institutions that will lead to the conclusion of the review, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras presented a slightly more nuanced position during a stormy parliamentary debate on Wednesday night.

Results 1671 to 1680 out of 2340.