
In ancient Athens, the agora was where citizens gathered to hear news, discuss and, later, trade. The agora was the heart of the city’s political, cultural and spiritual life. It is this spirit we hope to channel in this section of the website. Here, the Agora is a public forum for discussing events unfolding in Greece and beyond.

In May 2020, we also launched a podcast called The Agora, delivering insight from our own experts and analysis from special guests. If you enjoy intelligent, lively discussion and want the bigger picture, join us for a stroll through the Agora. Our show is hosted on Acast, but you can also listen to us here:


Posts in Greece

Results 476 to 480 out of 498.

Photo by Harry van Versendaal The euro debate Greece is not having

You may be amongst those who are not convinced of the devastating effect that the policy mix and pace of fiscal contraction in Greece is having on society. If so, you may subscribe to the official line trotted out by the country’s lenders that the program is helping the country regain competitiveness and the economy fix its external imbalances.

Contributor: Yiannis Mouzakis

7 Comment(s)

Categories: Europe (282), Economy (331), Greece (498)

en_GB Photo by Can Esenbel [] Are politicians in Greece promoting reforms or social cannibalism?

Myths have fuelled much of outside perceptions of the Greek crisis. From the lazy Greeks to the runaway shadow economy, observers have sought explanations for the country's problems in these contrived and skewed observations on life in Greece. Like all fairy tales, though, they make for a good story but are rarely a true reflection of reality.

Contributor: Nick Malkoutzis

1 Comment(s)

Categories: Politics (387), Greece (498)

Results 476 to 480 out of 498.